Game based learning is a good bit different from gamification. With game-based learning, true games are used to provide the learning experience. When using game-based learning, teachers can either use games developed specifically for the classroom or adapt existing games. Game-based learning is about more than giving students educational games like The Oregon Trail. It’s about changing the approach of students towards learning and the approach of learning towards students. The goal is for students to enjoy the process of learning itself.
There is no reason that a generation that can memorize over 100 Pokemon characters with all their characteristics, history and evolution can't learn the names, populations, capitals and relationships of all the 101 nations in the world.
- Prensky, 2001a . Digital natives, digital immigrants, On the Horizon 9 (5)This module is written to assist faculty who want to start using games to help them teach.
Features of game-based learning (GBL):
Categories of games that can be adapted for learning include:
Not only does the integration of learning with gaming make science more fun; it also:
To integrate learning and game play:
Some important concerns include:
A bibliography of essays and articles dealing with the use of games in education.
Game-based learning has become the best solution for soft skills learning. While classroom training and traditional e-learning formats are less didactic, hard to implement and costly, game-based courses are the best way to train soft skills in a fun, consistent and inexpensive way.
The combination of gamification and game-based learning is commonly used in the development of serious games, however it is important to know exactly what each of these terms refer to.
While gamification is the use of different motivating elements such as score cards that foster competition between users, game-based learning is linked to the cognitive area of the product, its appearance and its visual attractiveness.
In short, students are won over by the techniques used in game-based learning and captivated by the contents.
The main characteristics of game-based learning are:
Its also important to highlight the fact that to create efficient game based learning it is essential to integrate a simulator that creates real situations which enable students to practice the skills. When we refer to soft skills training the use of video games is specially interesting. Soft skills need to be practiced in order to ensure learning.
Gamification, game-based learning and serious games pursue the same goal: improve student commitment and make the learning experience more positive and enhance memory and retention.
Studies show that gamified formats of training in enterprises improve knowledge retention by students, increase the completion rate of courses and make what is learned to be more applicable to daily life thanks to the inclusion ofgame elements that allow students to practice what they learn while studying theoretical content.
E-learning has been defined over the past decade as a way to make available to the students a large catalog of courses, flexible schedules and individualized training, but it has proved to be a system with abandonment ratios very high low and where effective learning is much lower than with other training methods.
In contrast, game-based learning offers all the advantages of individualization and flexibility of e-learning training, but the application of gamification techniques improve their weaknesses. These results make it go gradually imposed gradually in the world of online education and increasingly will gain more land to traditional e-learning.
The catalog of game-based learning courses is currently quite small, but be sure to end up with a large part of the online training sector in the future.